Every answer to every question is right here before your eyes and…

You Can See It!

Contestants compete in teams and then as individuals trying to find answers to clues that are hidden on the BIG LETTER BOARD. 

The first round features teams of two contestants, the GREEN TEAM and the BLUE TEAM.  Before the round begins, the BIG LETTER BOARD is lit and all contestants are allowed to view and study the board for a few seconds. 

After the board is turned off, one contestant on each team begins as the LINE CALLER, while their teammate is the POSITION CALLER.  The POSITION CALLER must look away from the board or close their eyes and play begins.   

The board is then re-lit and a clue is read.  Let’s say the first clue is: It is known as “The game of world domination”.

The LINE CALLERS then look at the board to see if they can spot the answer that is hidden amongst the series of letters.  (All answers are written LEFT to RIGHT, there are no answers that go UP and DOWN or DIAGONALLY)

As soon as a player finds the answer, they buzz in.  In this example, the GREEN TEAM has buzzed in first.  The LINE CALLER then calls the line number in which the answer can be found (1, 2, 3, or 4).

*LINE CALLERS may buzz in anytime they wish, even if the question has not been asked in full.

If they give the correct line number, that line remains lit, while the others are turned off.  Their partner, who is the POSITION CALLER, is then allowed to view the board.  They then have 5 seconds to find where the answer is on that line. 

In this example, the correct line is LINE 1.  The POSITION CALLER must then say the number where the answer begins and say the correct answer.

Therefore, a full correct answer would begin with the LINE CALLER calling Line 1, and then the POSITION CALLER calling Position 7 and the answer “Risk.” 

Points are then awarded based on the sum of the Line and Position.  In this case, the answer is worth 8 points to the GREEN TEAM. (1+7)

After points are awarded, the POSITION CALLER must look away or close their eyes once again. The board is then lit in its entirety and another clue is read.

The next clue may be: “The last name of the brothers who first hit it big with ‘Bye Bye Love’”.  This time, the BLUE TEAM buzzed in first and the LINE CALLER calls Line 4.  The POSITION CALLER then calls Position 2 and says “Everly.”  The BLUE TEAM is then awarded 6 points (4+2).

*During gameplay, if the LINE CALLER calls the incorrect line, the opposing LINE CALLER is then allowed to hear the question in its entirety (if the first LINE CALLER buzzed in before the question was finished), and is given a free guess of the other three lines.  If the original LINE CALLER calls the correct line but their teammate calls the incorrect answer or runs out of time, the answer is revealed and no one is awarded any points.

After a certain number of questions are asked, the HALFTIME bell will ring, and teammates will then switch jobs and gameplay will continue.

Once the second half is finished, the FINAL bell will ring.  Whichever team has the most points proceeds to the SEMI-FINALS match, while the other team is eliminated.

The winning team from the first round will now split and contestants will play as individuals.

The BIG LETTER BOARD will appear blank.  The first line is then highlighted as shown above. 

A clue to a one-word answer is read to the contestants.  The SEMI-FINAL match uses crossword-style clues.  For example, the first clue may read: “Goes against the spread”

The answer is then revealed in the first line one letter at a time.  In this example, the first letter revealed is T, followed by an O, followed by an A.

As soon as a contestant thinks they know the answer, they may buzz in and try to answer.  If they are correct, the rest of the answer is revealed and the contestant is awarded 1 point.  In this example, the correct answer is TOAST. 

After the first answer is revealed, another crossword-style clue is read.  Let’s say the next clue is: “He would make a great vampire hunter.”

Letters are then revealed one at a time again, starting from the second T in TOAST. 

Each answer in each line is somehow connected to the previous answer.  Meaning, the answer to the second clue may start anywhere from the word TOAST.

In this case, the answer to the second clue actually begins from the “S” in TOAST, as the correct answer is STOKER.  The third clue will then begin from one of the letters in STOKER and so on.

As soon as the first line is filled as far as it can go, the second line becomes highlighted and play continues as normal. 

The first player to score 4 points wins the SEMI-FINAL match and will play in the CHAMPIONSHIP!

*If a contestant buzzes in and gives an incorrect answer, their opponent is given a free guess.  If the opponent is correct, they are awarded the point.  If both contestants are wrong, gameplay resumes with one letter revealed at a time. 

*The final letter to each answer can not be revealed to the contestants.  If neither contestant can get the correct answer before the final letter is to be revealed, a buzzer will sound and the answer is revealed and no points are awarded for that answer.

In our game, there will be two contestants that play in the CHAMPIONSHIP.  Therefore, after the FIRST ROUND and SEMI-FINALS are completed, another FIRST ROUND and SEMI-FINALS are run with different contestants.  The two SEMI-FINAL winners will then compete against each other in the CHAMPIONSHIP to see who will play the BONUS ROUND!

The CHAMPIONSHIP plays exactly the same as the FIRST ROUND.  The only difference is that contestants play as individuals, therefore they will call both the LINE and POSITION themselves.  After the bell rings signaling the end of the CHAMPIONSHIP, the contestant with the highest score plays in the BONUS ROUND.

The contestant is given 60 seconds to find 10 answers on the BIG LETTER BOARD.  After the first clue is read, the timer will begin.

Let’s say the first clue is: “Batman’s home city”.  As soon as the contestant finds the answer, they may shout it out.  (For in-person games, the contestant will point out the answer with their finger.  For online games, the contestant will identify the LINE and then give the answer.  This will help save time.)

If the contestant is correct, the answer will be singled out and then the board will relight in its entirety.  The next clue is then read: “Panda’s main diet”. Each correct answer is worth $100 (see SUGGESTIONS)

If at anytime the contestant wants to PASS, they may do so and the clue will be reread if there is still time.  If all 10 answers can be found in 60 seconds, the contestant wins the BONUS ROUND

*FOR ALL SHOWS: The main purpose for these shows is entertainment and fun, first and foremost.  While many of these games display large amounts of money and/or lavish prizes, we do NOT provide any such prizes for the games.  All parties are welcome to provide their own prizes/gifts that may be implemented in gameplay.  Below are simply some suggestions we have come up with in order to make the gameplay more interesting and/or competitive. 

*ADD A SWAG BAG!: Want to play for real prizes?  Add a swag bag of awesome Eek! products to any gameshow package and award gifts as individual prizes or play for an ultimate prize package!  

If you would like to provide your own prizes, you may do so as prizes for the Bonus Round.  On the TV gameshow, if the contestant won the Bonus Game, they were awarded a cash pot.  If they did not find all 10 answers in the Bonus Game, they received $100 for each correct answer given.  It may be fun to keep score or use the “cash” accumulated to “buy” prizes.  For example, $500 wins you a $10 Starbucks card.     

For larger groups, you may use larger teams than teams of two to accommodate everyone.  For smaller groups, you may have players play more than one match.   

For any other additional questions or suggestions, visit the FAQ page, or email us at  

YOU CAN SEE IT PACKAGE: Two matches (First rounds and Semi-Finals), Championship and Bonus Round