The game that turns a highway hobby into challenging fun for you!

Two teams of two compete against each other trying to decipher puzzles in the form of vanity license plates.

Each round, teams try to solve the SUPER STUMPER, a 7-character vanity license plate.

Team will be given the hint as to whom the SUPER STUMPER vanity license plate belongs to.  Let’s say for our first SUPER STUMPER, the license plate belongs to Dolly Parton.  Teams are then given the first character in the SUPER STUMPER.  In this case, the plate begins with the letter “W”.

In order to reveal the other blank spaces in the SUPER STUMPER, teams must correctly solve a TOSS-UP question.

Two vanity plates are revealed to the teams, such as in the example below.

The teams are then asked to identify which license plate, the LEFT or the RIGHT, belongs to a certain person.  Let’s say the teams are asked, “Which plate belongs to a pilot?”

Each contestant has their own separate buzzer.  The first contestant to buzz in must correctly identify if the plate in question is the plate on the LEFT or the RIGHT.

Linda of the RED TEAM buzzes in first.  If she correctly identifies that the plate in question is on the RIGHT, her team takes control of the board first.  The correct plate is placed in the center, and her partner, Joe, now has 10 seconds to identify what the license plate reads.

If Linda incorrectly guesses the plate on the LEFT, the BLUE TEAM takes control of the board and, together, have 10 seconds to identify what the correct plate reads.

The first team to identify that the license plate reads “Blue Skies” wins the TOSS-UP and gets control of the SUPER STUMPER.

*If the first team in control is unable to solve the plate in 10 seconds, the opposing team is then given 10 seconds to solve.  If neither team can solve the plate, another TOSS-UP is asked.

The team that wins the TOSS-UP is then allowed to choose which space (2-7) they would like to have revealed next in the SUPER STUMPER.  In this case, the winning team choose space 3, which revealed the letter “K”.

The team that won the TOSS-UP is then given 5 seconds to identify the SUPER STUMPER.  If they do, they win Round 1.  If not, another TOSS-UP is asked to both teams. 

The next TOSS-UP may be, “Which plate, the LEFT or the RIGHT, belongs to a mixologist?” 

Gameplay continues as above, until one team correctly solves the SUPER STUMPER.  The first team to solve two SUPER STUMPERS wins the match and goes to play the FINAL STUMPER!

  • The characters in each license plate can be letters, numbers, or symbols (such as stars, hearts, etc.)
  • Think of different ways the characters can be pronounced.  Letters may have a hard of soft sound, or be the sound of the letter itself. 
  • Think of what symbols or abbreviations can be made from numbers and letters (Roman numerals, measurements, plurals, etc.)
  • Every syllable matters.  Any plate not correctly identified in full will not be counted (i.e. for BLUSKII, an answer of “Blue Sky” is incorrect).
  • For the other examples, 10DSBAR reads “Tends Bar” and WRKN925 reads “Workin’ 9 to 5”.  Do you see how they got there?  

The BONUS ROUND is broken into two parts, beginning with the BONUS PLATES round.

The winning team is given 30 seconds to try to solve as many as 7 license plates.  As with the Main Game, the team will be shown a plate with up to 7 characters and who the license plate belongs to.

In order to continue the BONUS ROUND, the team must correctly identify at least one license plate.  If they get hung up on a plate, they may PASS it and come back to it if there is time.

If the team solves all 7 in 30 seconds they automatically win the BONUS ROUND!

If the team solves less than 7 plates (but more than 0), they proceed to the FINAL STUMPER.

The signs on the Big Board are converted into the letters in the word STUMPER.  Depending on how well the team did on the BONUS PLATES determines what will be hidden on the FINAL STUMPER BOARD:

1 Correct Plate: WIN Card, 6 Stop Signs

2 Correct Plates: WIN Card, $500, 5 Stop Signs

3 Correct Plates: WIN Card, $500, $400, 4 Stop Signs

4 Correct Plates: WIN Card, $500, $400, $300, 3 Stop Signs

5 Correct Plates: WIN Card, $500, $400, $300, $200, 2 Stop Signs

6 Correct Plates: WIN Card, $500, $400, $300, $200, $100, 1 Stop Sign

The FINAL STUMPER can be won in two ways: 

1) Selecting the letter that reveals WIN

2) Accumulating $1,000 in cash

If the team reveals a STOP SIGN before finding the WIN card, or accumulating $1,000, the FINAL STUMPER ends and the team loses the BONUS ROUND.

*If the team finds money on the board, they make quit with the amount they’ve won if they fear finding a STOP SIGN (see SUGGESTIONS).

*FOR ALL SHOWS: The main purpose for these shows is entertainment and fun, first and foremost.  While many of these games display large amounts of money and/or lavish prizes, we do NOT provide any such prizes for the games.  All parties are welcome to provide their own prizes/gifts that may be implemented in gameplay.  Below are simply some suggestions we have come up with in order to make the gameplay more interesting and/or competitive. 

*ADD A SWAG BAG!: Want to play for real prizes?  Add a swag bag of awesome Eek! products to any gameshow package and award gifts as individual prizes or play for an ultimate prize package! 

For different-sized groups, you may play as individuals or in larger teams. 

If you would like to provide your own prizes, you can include them as part of winning the main game or the Bonus Round. 

On the TV gameshow, the prize for winning the Bonus Round was $2,000.  Once a team accumulated at least $500 in the Bonus Round, their total would double (i.e. finding $800 would actually equal $1,600).  This can be used to keep score, or you could use the “money” won as a currency to buy prizes.  For example, if a contestant “wins” a total of $1,000, they could trade that money in for a prize (say a $5 Starbucks gift card is worth $500, a $10 Amazon card is worth $1,000, a paid day off work is worth $2,000, etc.).  Again, you would need to provide these prizes, but we are happy to keep score for you.

Since a “Super Stumpers” package comes with three full matches and bonus rounds, you may have the winners of the first two games compete in the final game, or use a “returning champion” feature, where whoever wins each game continues to the next. 

For any other additional questions or suggestions, visit the FAQ page, or email us at  

SUPER STUMPERS PACKAGE: Three Full Matches with Bonus Rounds