Let’s Talk:  Whether the subject is Harrison Ford, Roller Coasters, or “Catcher in the Rye,” it’s something you’ll hear about!

Two teams of two contestants try to talk about subjects as much as they can and as fast as they can! 

One team will begin as the “Talking” team, while the other team will be the “Guessing” team. 

The “Guessing” team is placed in isolation, or may wear headphones to block out all sound.  Two subjects are then given to the “Talking” team to choose from (Subjects can be any person, place, or thing).

Let’s say the subjects to choose from are MICKEY MOUSE or BLENDERS.  The idea is to talk about either subject as much as possible, hoping to reveal the TEN KEY WORDS hidden on the board.  While there are certainly more that ten words related to a particular subject, they must match the ten we have selected.

The “Talking” team decides to talk about BLENDERS.  The “Talking” team will also decide which member goes first.  A timer is then set for 20 seconds. 

Once the clock starts, the first teammate will begin talking about absolutely anything they can related to BLENDERS.  There is no limit to what the contestant can say, so this is the time to talk, and talk, and talk, and TALK! 

Every time a KEY WORD is spoken, it will be revealed on the board. 

After the 20 seconds have expired, the second teammate will then get another 20 seconds to try to reveal more KEY WORDS that their teammate was unable to uncover. 

In this example, the “Talking” team successfully named 7 of the KEY WORDS.  These KEY WORDS are then covered up, and the “Guessing” team is brought back from isolation.

The three KEY WORDS that the “Talking” team did not identify are then revealed to the “Guessing” team.

The “Guessing” team is then given five seconds to discuss what the subject may be.  They must then decide what they believe the first team was “talking about.” 

NOTE:  The “Guessing” team must guess EXACTLY was the subject is.  In this example, an answer of “Appliances” would be incorrect.  However, forms of the subject may be accepted (for example, a guess of BLENDING would be acceptable).  This is where some strategy can come into play as far as choosing the subject to talk about.

In this example, the “Guessing” team was successfully able to guess the subject.  They earn 7 points toward their score (Points are based upon how many KEY WORDS the “Talking” team correctly identified.  If the “Guessing” team did not correctly identify the subject, the 7 points would be awarded to the “Talking” team.  If the “Talking” team identifies all 10 KEY WORDS in the time limit, they automatically receive 10 points). 

After the first subject, the teams swap places and the first “Guessing” team becomes the “Talking” team and chooses one of two subjects to talk about.  

The first team to reach 15 points wins the match and goes to the BONUS ROUND!

The winning team is given another two subjects to choose from to talk about.  Let’s say the choices are “THE FLINTSTONES” or MAKE-UP.  The team chooses “THE FLINTSTONES”.

The team then makes the important decision of who will begin the talking.  The other member of the team is then placed in isolation.

The first talker is then given 20 seconds to talk about “The Flintstones”.  As with the main game, any KEY WORD that is said will be revealed on the board. 

Each correct answer is worth $100 dollars, which is added to a pot (see SUGGESTIONS).

In this example, the 20 seconds have expired, and the first team member successfully identified 5 KEY WORDS.  These words are then covered up and the remaining words are revealed.

Having seen the remaining words, it is now up to the first talker to decide if their teammate can identify any of the remaining KEY WORDS.  However, their teammate will only receive 5 seconds (The seconds are based on the number of KEY WORDS identified by the first talker.  If they identified 8 words, their teammate would receive 8 seconds, etc.)

If the first talker decides their teammate may not succeed, they can opt to take the money they have already won, which is $500. 

If they believe their teammate will guess one of the remaining words in the allotted time, the teammate will come out from isolation and talk about “The Flintstones” for 5 seconds. 

If any one of the remaining KEY WORDS is said by the second talker, the “money” in the pot is doubled and they win the BONUS ROUND.

If the second taker cannot identify one of the remaining KEY WORDS, all money is lost and the team loses the BONUS ROUND.

If the first talker is able to identify all 10 KEY WORDS in the first 20 seconds, the team automatically wins the BONUS ROUND and $2,000!

*FOR ALL SHOWS: The main purpose for these shows is entertainment and fun, first and foremost.  While many of these games display large amounts of money and/or lavish prizes, we do NOT provide any such prizes for the games.  All parties are welcome to provide their own prizes/gifts that may be implemented in gameplay.  Below are simply some suggestions we have come up with in order to make the gameplay more interesting and/or competitive. 

*ADD A SWAG BAG!: Want to play for real prizes?  Add a swag bag of awesome Eek! products to any gameshow package and award gifts as individual prizes or play for an ultimate prize package! 

For different numbered groups, the game can be accommodated.  If contestants want to play as individuals or in larger teams, the time allotted can be adjusted as well as the bonus round.

Since this game relies on “money” to make a decision in the bonus round, it might be fun to keep score as to how much “money” each team wins.  On the TV gameshow, a team that correctly guessed all 10 key words in a round would also receive a $500 bonus.

If you would like to provide your own prizes, you could use the “money” won as a currency to buy prizes.  For example, if a contestant wins a total of $700, they could trade that money in for a prize (say a $5 Starbucks gift card is worth $500, a $10 Amazon card is worth $1,000, a paid day off work is worth $2,000, etc.).  Again, you would need to provide these prizes, but we are happy to keep score for you and even provide money chips to help keep track.

Since a “Let’s Talk” package comes with three full matches and bonus rounds, you may have the winners of the first two matches compete in the final match, or use a “returning champion” feature, where whoever wins each match continues to the next.

For any other additional questions or suggestions, visit the FAQ page, or email us at eekgameshows@yahoo.com  

LET’S TALK PACKAGE: Three full matches plus Bonus Rounds